Due to the growing environmental awareness and the longer lifespan of smartphones, tablets & co, the ECC ESC 2019 decided to also establish a brand for private end customers. This is how the Repair Dome came into being as a licensed repair partner for smartphones, tablets & co with a first POS in Nordhorn. Other locations are planned, but above all the establishment of the repair dome and its services in the online area. A display break or water damage does not only happen in and around Nordhorn.
With the Repair Dome, our goal is to also offer private customers an all-round service for the repair of smartphones, tablets or wearables. Regardless of whether it is display damage, water damage, technical defects or software problems - not possible does not exist. As a certified and authorized repair center for manufacturers such as Samsung, HUAWEI, Wiko & co, we offer the best service, both within and outside of the guarantee. Our competent and manufacturer-trained technicians always ensure a quick repair.
More at www.repairdome.de.

For an even larger service, some mobile phone dealers also offer devices with a 3-year guarantee. These devices are guaranteed for a full 3 years under manufacturer's conditions. Damages that are covered within this service will be repaired exclusively at ECC ESC International free of charge within 3 years of purchasing this device.
You can check whether your end customer's device has the exclusive protection of a 3-year guarantee at www.3jahregarantie.de.